Neurological Activity in Machines?

shrimali senevirathna
3 min readApr 25, 2020


Early machines did simple computations to the inputs which are given by the humans. The best example is the calculator. When we provide two numbers and then press the add button, it simply gives the output. But with the invention of this Artificial Intelligence, the behaviour of the machines was subjected to a huge change. Even there are humanoid robots acting absolutely like humans. Some times we wonder how much these technologies have been developed to such a level.

Artificial Intelligence typically demonstrates at least some of the behaviours associated with human intelligence like planning, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, knowledge representation, perception, motion, and manipulation and, to a lesser extent, social intelligence and creativity.

So from where all those behaviours are coming from? Exactly from our brain functions right. When I was learning biology in upper grades, I was very interested in about the functions of the brain as it is so amazing.

This amazing Artificial Intelligence is sourced with the following areas.

Machine Learning

An approach to AI in which a computer algorithm is developed to analyze and make predictions from data that is fed into the system as Machines are learning from the experiences. So we have to guide them to do things and learn from them.

Can machines think?

Brain associated AI

Neural Networks

The human brain is an interconnected neural network which is very actively processing the works. The neurone is the basic cell structure which is creating this huge network. Why humans can think?. Because of the brain.If we can create an algorithm to think like us for the machines, Will they work. So this machine-learning approached a model which is like a human brain, in which algorithms process signals via interconnected nodes. They are known as artificial neurons. As in biological nervous systems, artificial neural networks have been used successfully to recognize and predict patterns of neural signals involved in brain function. So this has made a huge impact on the industry today.

Deep Learning

A form of machine learning that uses many layers of computation to form what is described as a deep neural network has the ability to learn from large amounts of complex, unstructured data. Deep neural networks are responsible for voice-controlled virtual assistants as well as self-driving vehicles, which learn to recognize traffic signs. Even though these types of systems are not using in Srilanka yet, we can see some kind of development.

Voice-controlled meaning, the machine should understand our language which is natural. How this is going to happen. As Python language is the best performer in machine Learning, I 'll take a simple example from that. Recently I tried creating a simple chatbot from Python library chatterbot. from this library, we can create chatbots that can communicate with us. This instance is commonly used in the world today.

According to the GitHub repository of chatterbot, ChatterBot is a machine-learning-based conversational dialogue engine build in Python which makes it possible to generate responses based on collections of known conversations. The language-independent design of ChatterBot allows it to be trained to speak any language. (

Isn't this the best simple example for machine learning which paves the way to artificial Intelligence…

As Artificial intelligence and machine learning are part of computer science that are correlated with each other. These two technologies are the most trending technologies which are used for creating intelligent systems today.

Specially humanoid robots are the most successful AI-powered systems today as a one step closer to the automation of industries. Even the humanoid robots can perform some tasks that already saved in their memory, Still they cannot think..

By 2050 will the AI and ML will take place with naturally thinking machines like the machines got a neurological network as humans.Will it be a threaten to us.According to my opinion , human should have limitations of being unnatural.The best example is that the crisis we are experiencing today….



shrimali senevirathna
shrimali senevirathna

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