Top 12 Tips For Online Learners

shrimali senevirathna
5 min readSep 8, 2020


(01)Create a routine(Schedule)

Deciding you’ll sit down at your desk and start work at a certain time is one thing. Creating a routine that guides you into the chair is another. So, I am having a to-do list before I get started my works. It is very efficient in this period because at the end of the day you will have a tangible report of your works. Make it yours. Use your own colours, designs and ideas to make you use the list book attractive. So, you are prompted to use it the next day too.

When creating your to-do list, use a technique like the Eisenhower Matrix(priority matrix)to prioritize the tasks.

(02)Maintain Regular Hours

Set a schedule and stick to it…most of the time. Having clear guidelines for when to work and when to call it a day helps many remote learners to maintain a balance in the day to day life. If not like that we will not have a clear idea about what we are planning to do and you can not count how much you have worked or wasted.

(03)Keep a Dedicated Learning space

Keep our own dedicated workspace. Where we can meet fewer distractions. Most of the times it’s better you can have a place with more light. Like near a window … your own desk and a chair. Even a small space is enough but should consider the surrounding. If it is a more distracting area your routine will not flow as we wish. So choosing the study area is very important. But you may change this space-time to time when you are getting boring, you can go to your garden chair and study.

(04)Set Ground Rules with the People and things in Your Space

When comes to this we have to consider the people and things. People means sometimes you may spend more time with your siblings. You have to have a control in this and also consider when cuddling the pets. Time wasting may occur when using Social media like Facebook and Whatsapp. So keep a limit.example: I am checking my social media in the morning within 10 minutes.

(05)Schedule Breaks (Have a leisure time)

Take regular breaks or intervals. You can go outside and look around or go for a small walk around your garden. Or else you can try your leisure time activities. You can listen to songs, draw a painting and listen to mind healing music, do meditation and so on. I wrote some articles on during that period. Because this is refreshing your day and the mood. Most probably we are working while sitting in a chair whole the day. At that time the productivity becomes low. Because sometimes concentration can be break or you may feel tired as your brain and eyes are tired or you may feel sleepy. So, this is the best way to avoid that kind of time-wasting situations.

(06)Keep Socialization online

Most of the times students are used to get together with friends and work together. But that COVID quarantine period separated all of us from working together. Sometimes we may suffer from loneliness stress, depression. So, talk with your friend. Have a group chat in WhatsApp. There are so many social media platforms now a day so definitely you all can stay connected. So it may lead to refreshing your day and also you will get to know about new events and important things within the discussion.

(07)Take Sick Days or time

When you’re not well, take the sick time you need. Because if you are trying to keep working with the sickness, it will become more verse and it may lead you to lose your working time from weeks to months. So better have some medicines and get some rest in the very beginning of the illness. Because in this period it is essential to concern about the medical aspects like immunity. So, I drank various herbal water to become stronger in this period. So, this is important to the productivity of the routine.

(08)Look for Learning Opportunities

During the quarantine period, most of the online education providers like Coursera, UDEMY offered some important and costly courses for free. I grabbed the chance and I completed some important coursers to skill up and also we can share what we have learned from the courses with our friends. That will add you a colour that you have successfully managed your time without wasting a minute of our time.

(09)Use different study and learning methodologies

There are so many technologies that you can manage your time and do studies. As examples, you can use POMODORO technique to study effectively.SQ5R method is also used by students and those methods are scientifically proven to be a successful learner.

(10)Be Positive

Learning alone, without the help of the lecturers is not easy for everyone as there are different types of learners. So sometimes it can be hard. Eg: Subjects like Statistics. So at that time, you should make the mindset positively to complete your works. If not that may lead to procrastination and procrastination is the base for failures. So try to be positive in every situation.

(11)Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Some are saying that most successful remote students are having a reputation for being extremely disciplined. But some students who are likely to have a customizable routine will not like a tough schedule. According to my opinion students do not need a hard schedule. When I am working as a teacher at Kandy Royal International School and when I was teaching as a science math tutor, I experienced that most of the students are likely to have a customizable routine rather than a tough routine and also it is very productive. So during this online learning period, do not be too hard on yourself. As it may lead to some acute like depression.

(12)End Your Day with a Routine

Just as you should start your day with a routine, create a habit that signals the close of the workday. At the end of the day, we can check our to-do list. How productive it was. You can get a clear idea about what are the points you should consider to become more productive m]by managing the time. If you could not complete some tasks, you can analyze how did it happen and what are the causes. So from the next day, you can get rid of the mistakes you have done on the previous day and go to bed as a satisfied person.



shrimali senevirathna
shrimali senevirathna

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